The examples here use forward hooks to record layer inputs and outputs.
They subclass IOHook
below to save inputs and outputs.
from pathlib import PosixPath, Path
from safestructures import save_file
class IOHook:
framework: str
def __init__(self, layer_name: str, save_dir: PosixPath):
self.layer_name = layer_name
self.save_dir = save_dir
def __call__(self, module, inputs, outputs):
input_filename = f"{self.layer_name}_inputs_{self.times_called}.safestructures"
output_filename = f"{self.layer_name}_outputs_{self.times_called}.safestructures"
input_save_file = self.save_dir / input_filename
output_save_file = self.save_dir / output_filename
save_file(inputs, input_save_file)
save_file(outputs, output_save_file)
PyTorch intermediate input and outputs
import torch
from torchvision.models.resnet import resnet50, ResNet50_Weights
class TorchIOHook(IOHook):
framework = "pt"
save_dir = Path(".").expanduser().resolve()
model = resnet50(weights=ResNet50_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V2)
for n, m in model.named_modules():
layer_name = n if n else "model"
io_hook = TorchIOHook(layer_name, save_dir)
test_input = torch.randn(8, 3, 224, 224)
with torch.no_grad():
This would save all inputs seen and outputs generated by all layers.
TensorFlow intermediate input and outputs
This uses tensorflow-hooks.
import tensorflow as tf
from tf_hooks import register_forward_hook
class TFIOHook(IOHook):
framework = "tf"
def __call__(self, layer, args, kwargs, outputs):
# No kwargs for this example
super().__call__(layer, args, outputs)
save_dir = Path(".").expanduser().resolve()
model = tf.keras.applications.ResNet50(weights="imagenet")
for layer in model.layers:
io_hook = TFIOHook(layer.name, save_dir)
register_forward_hook(layer, io_hook)
test_input = tf.random.uniform((8, 224, 224, 3), maxval=1)
This would save all inputs seen and outputs generated by all layers.